Direct Tax

29 Things To Do This Lock Down

CA Chayan AgarwalCA Chayan Agarwal-April 03, 2020

We are at a stage and phase, no one planned. But this has happened in past too, experiencing and passing through a phase totally new for the world, which became history and the people who witnessed  could tell the world, ‘I witnessed ……..’ Some of these events which happened over past years were World War I & II, 1947, India Pakistan War, Emergency and many. This time it is LOCK-DOWN.

Lock Down – We haven’t experienced this – Staying at home for so many days, not having access to outside physical world, but just an internet world. Here is an attempt to list down the possible things we can do. Dividing list into 3.

Suggestion 1- Get back to normal work routine, Lock-down is not a holiday.

ONLY WORK during working hours (No Netflix, No series, No Movies, NO TP)

1.BUSINESS PLAN [i. Immediate – After Lockdown ends – understanding the impact & ii. Future- 3yr atleast)
2.TALKING WITH CLIENTS (This is a good time to build relationship and get in touch with them, discussing future developments, feedback, reviews and more 
3.UPGRADE (Use of Technology, Social Media, Cloud Service in your business)
4.INNOVATE & THINK-NEW – Business dynamics are getting competitive, this is the best time to think/discuss with your team about future developments/ restructuring/ expansions
5.ACCOUNTS COMPLETION (Today is 31st March, you need to get your accounts completed & finalised, if you don’t have access to your accounts at this time, think!!- Cloud)
6.SWOT Analysis of your business
7.DEVELOPING SOP for your non SOP workings
8.LEGAL & TAX discussion on pending matters with your consultant
9.Financial & INVESTMENT Review/Planning
10.CSR – How to contribute and become a helping hand towards society in this tough time.

Suggestion 2- Self Development & Learning- Optimum use of timing 

11.QUORA – Learn about topic of interest, Ask questions- Get answered from experts, also lots of existing content available.
12.CREATE YOUR OWN WEBSITE– The blog you are reading is my personal website & this website was fully created by me, from domain and webspace to designing everything (100%) done by me, no IT person involved.How? Youtube Channel – Nayyar ShaikhPS- I am commerce graduate 🙂
13.READ BOOKS – Pick the book available with you have at home also sharing some downloadable E-Books in the comment section.Couple of days back, I did webinar on Importance of Reading Habit – Link
14.YOUTUBE– There’s a lot to learn from youtube, select your topics of interest and search. Recommended Option – Technology, Innovation, Motivation, Economics, etc
15.LEARNING ABOUT FINANCE & STOCK MARKET@stockistaan conducts financial literacy workshops through Webinar & Offline Certification workshops.
16.TEDx – Lots of video content available on app and youtube channel
17.LINKEDIN & OTHERS – Updating/completing incomplete details on various professional platforms
18.Learn PHOTOSHOP or VIDEO editing tools
19.FITNESS & MEDITATION – This might be your long-awaited wish list, time is right to start and give some time to your body and soul.

Suggestion 3- Enjoy!!

20.Movies (New and old favs)
21.     Series & Shows on various platforms (I watched Mahabharat’s 93 episodes few months back on Youtube, believe me it’s the most addicted series you will come across once you start)
22.Laughter Dose- On Various Apps, youtube (A popular old one – Great Indian Laughter Challenge)
24.Video Games
25.Board Games
26.Kitchen Experiment- An attempt – Master Chef
27.Any long pending Wish (Singing, Dancing, Tik Tok, other)
28.Long hours of Sleep
29.    Refreshing Old Memories – Pictures and videos are not just to save in ever increasing mobile memory, but to cherish old memories, time is now to do that now.

Above are things you can do this lock-down apart from having good time with your family. If you have some other suggestion, please post in comment section.

Some suggestions

Youtube – Coldfusion (Interesting stuffs), Gaurav Kapoor, Gaurav Gupta (Laughter Dose), TEDx Talks (Learning), Berklee College of Music (AR Rehman’s lover)

Good Books to Read – Rich Dad Poor Dad, Who moved my cheese, Think & Grow Rich

Financial Learning – STOCKISTAAN

Connect on Twitter – @cachayan

If you have added any of the above point in your to do list, I’ll appreciate if you can share this. Thanks 🙂 

(Suggestion – 1 may not be fully possible for few professionals, you can ignore few and suggest some other applicable possibilities)

Writer – CA Chayan Agarwal (www.chayanagarwal.com)

things to do in lock downthings to do in quarantine
CA Chayan Agarwal

CA Chayan Agarwal

Chartered Accountant I Academician I Wealth Manager I Trainer I Blogger I Option Trader/Trainer