Direct Tax

ITAT e-filing Portal to go live on 21 June 2021

Priya kejriwalPriya kejriwal-June 12, 2021

ITAT has announced that e-filing portal will be launched for filing of appeal before the Income tax appellate tribunal.It has been mentioned that e-filing portal shall be live from 21.06.2021 but same shall be available in a phased manner and same shall be available for all the benches within 4 week from the initial launch.

As we know one files an appeal before Income tax appellate tribunal if the assessee it is not satisfied with the appellate order passed by the CIT(A) or order passed by CIT.

Appeal before ITAT is filed in Form 36 wherein under the physical filing one had to submit 4 copies of the appeal before the ITAT but now with e-filing we hope that this will stop and lot of paper would be saved. Thus, now you can file Form 36 online like you can file Form 35 online.

Further, as of now online hearing of appeal’s is going on in ITAT and we hope that even after pandemic it continues in the same fashion and it does become faceless as was proposed earlier.

This facility is expected to help in quick communication to assessee about their appeals, fixation for hearing, adjournments, pronouncements and disposals.

Details mentioned by the President of ITAT in his announcement about e-filing of ITAT appeal is as under:

Whilst the outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic has posed significant challenges all over the world causing mass disruptions in all sectors, including the justice delivery systems, the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal has responded to such challenges in its own humble way, by rapidly adopting the supportive technologies that enabled continuation of functioning of Courts through the mode of Video Conferencing and, at times, exchange of documentation using web-based platforms in the pandemic period. In this way, we have transitioned from being primarily traditional face-to-face proceedings to online court proceedings also, an experiment which has been very successful and, I am happy to share that the ITAT has adapted to this new landscape quickly.

In furtherance to the spirit of the motto of the ITAT, i.e., ‘Nishpaksh Sulabh Satvar Nyay’ meaning, Impartial, Easy and Speedy justice, we, at ITAT, are pleased to announce for the benefit of all our stakeholders the launch of e-Filing Portal, which has been developed consequent upon the revision of Memoranda of Appeal and Cross objection under the Income-tax Act, 1961 and has been extensively tested by in-house as well as by pre-identified external users and, the user-acceptance has been reported of a satisfactory level. The e-Filing Portal shall be initially soft-commissioned at Delhi Zone Headquarter with effect from 21st June, 2021, and would be gradually rolled out at all other Zonal Headquarters and other subordinate Benches across the country within a period of 4 (four) weeks thereafter.

The Practice Note regarding launch of the Portal, the detailed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the guidance and understanding of the end users shall soon be available in public domain.

Click here to download the notification – https://itat.gov.in/files/uploads/categoryImage/1622804670-notice%20-%20launching%20of%20e-filing%20portal%20of%20itat.pdf

21.06.2021facelessITATITAT e-filingnotificationpaperless
Priya kejriwal

Priya kejriwal

Intern at Rasesh Shah & Co | Ambitious | CA aspirant