" \nआयकर अपीलीय अिधकरण, ‘ए’ \u0011ा\nयपीठ, चे\u0016ई। \nIN THE INCOME TAX APPELLATE TRIBUNAL \n‘A’ BENCH: CHENNAI \n \n\u0019ी एबी टी. वक\u001e, \u0011ा\nियक सद! एवं \u0019ी जगदीश, लेखा सद! क\nे सम( \nBEFORE SHRI ABY T. VARKEY, JUDICIAL MEMBER AND \n SHRI JAGADISH, ACCOUNTANT MEMBER \n \nआयकर अपील सं./ITA No.507/Chny/2024 \nिनधा9रण वष9 /Assessment Year: 2013-14 \n \nThe Income Tax Officer, \nCorporate Ward-5(1), \nChennai. \n \n \nVs. \nNCS Pearson India Pvt. Ltd., \n(now known as Pearson India \nEducation Services Pvt. Ltd.), \n7th floor, SBD2 ODC 7, 8 & 9, \nSurvey No.01, ELCOT IT/ITES \nSEZ, Sholinganallur, \nChennai – 600 119. \n[PAN: AABCE 4944M] \n \n(अपीलाथ\u0007/Appellant) \n \n(\b\tयथ\u0007/Respondent) \n \nआयकर अपील सं./C.O No.57/Chny/2024 \n(Arising in ITA No.507/Chny/2024) \nिनधा9रण वष9 /Assessment Year: 2013-14 \n \nNCS Pearson India Pvt. Ltd., \n(now known as Pearson India \nEducation Services Pvt. Ltd.), \n7th floor, SBD2 ODC 7, 8 & 9, \nSurvey No.01, ELCOT IT/ITES \nSEZ, Sholinganallur, \nChennai – 600 119. \n[PAN: AABCE 4944M] \n \n \nVs. \nThe Income Tax Officer, \nCorporate Ward-5(1), \nChennai. \n \n(अपीलाथ\u0007/Cross Objector) \n \n(\b\tयथ\u0007/Respondent) \n \nअपीलाथ\u001e की ओर से/ Assessee/Cross \nObjector by \n: \nShri R. Vijayaraghavan, Advocate \nMNथ\u001e की ओर से /Revenue by \n: \nMrs. G. Saratha, Addl. CIT \nसुनवाई की तारीख/Date of Hearing \n: \n21.11.2024 \nघोषणा की तारीख /Date of Pronouncement \n: \n29.11.2024 \n\nITA No.507/Chny/2024 & \nC.O No.57/Chny/2024 \n \n:- 2 -: \n \n \nआदेश / O R D E R \nPER JAGADISH, A.M : \nAforesaid appeal filed by the Revenue and Cross Objections \nfiled by the assessee for Assessment Year (AY) 2013-14 arises out of \nthe order of Learned Commissioner of Income Tax, National Faceless \nAppeal Centre [NFAC], Delhi [hereinafter “CIT(A)”] dated 01.01.2024. \n \n2. It was stated before us that the tax effect involved in the above \nappeal is Rs. 21,67,650/-. The CBDT vide Circular No.09 of 2024 \ndated 17.09.2024 has revised the monetary limit for filing the appeal \nby the Revenue before the ITAT to Rs. 60 Lakhs as a step towards \nmanagement of litigation. In the said circular, it is stated that in cases \nwhere the tax effect in the appeal to be filed before the Appellate \nTribunal does not exceed Rs. 60 lakhs appeals should not be filed. \nThe circular also states that the monetary limit applies to the pending \nappeal, which may accordingly be withdrawn. Thus, taking note of \nCBDT Circular No. 09 of 2024 dated 17.09.2024 and considering the \nfact that the tax effect in the instant appeal is less than Rs. 60 lakhs, \nthe present appeal deserves to be dismissed as withdrawn / not \nmaintainable. However, we make it clear that the issues raised in the \ninstant appeal is left open to be examined in the appropriate \nproceedings, if arises, in future. At the same time, we also make it \n\nITA No.507/Chny/2024 & \nC.O No.57/Chny/2024 \n \n:- 3 -: \n \n \nclear that if the appeal fall in any of the exceptions referred to in the \nabove said CBDT Circular, the Revenue is at liberty to move an \napplication for recalling the order, if so advised. Accordingly, in the \nlight of CBDT circular No. 09 of 2024 dated 17.09.2024, this appeal \nstands dismissed. \n \nC.O No.57/Chny/2024: \n3. \nSo far as the Cross Objection filed by the assessee is \nconcerned, the C.O was filed in support of the appellate order passed \nby the Ld. CIT(A). Since, we have dismissed the appeal filed by the \nRevenue, the CO filed by the assessee becomes infructuous and \nliable to be dismissed. Accordingly, the C.O filed by the assessee is \ndismissed. \n \n \n4. \nIn the result, the appeal filed by the Revenue is dismissed and \nthe C.O filed the assessee is dismissed. \n \nOrder pronounced on 29th November, 2024. \n \nSd/- \n \nSd/- \n(एबी टी. वक\u001e) \n(ABY. T. Varkey) \n\u0011ाियक सद! / Judicial Member \n \n(जगदीश) \n(Jagadish) \nलेखा सद! /Accountant Member \nचे\u0010नई/Chennai, \u0013दनांक/Dated: 29th November, 2024. \nEDN/- \n \n\nITA No.507/Chny/2024 & \nC.O No.57/Chny/2024 \n \n:- 4 -: \n \n \nआदेश क\u0016 \bितिल\u0019प अ\u001aे\u0019षत/Copy to: \n1. अपीलाथ\b/Appellant \n2. \t\nथ\b/Respondent \n3. आयकर आयु\u0010/CIT, Salem \n4. िवभागीय \tितिनिध/DR \n5. गाड\u0019 फाईल/GF \n \n"