आयकर अपीलीय अधिकरण, ‘ए’ न्यायपीठ, चेन्नई।
श्री एबी टी. वर्की, न्याययर्क सदस्य एवं श्री अमिताभ श
क्ला, लेखा सदस्य के समक्ष
आयकर अपील सं./ITA Nos.1728/Chny/2019
निर्धारण वर्ा /Assessment Years: 2015-16
M/s.Rai Ispat Private Limited,
No. 6/13 Park Avenue,
Chennai-600 028.
Income Tax Officer,
Central Ward-5(4),
अपीलार्थी की ओर से/ Appellant by
: Shri B.Ramakrishnan, C.A
प्रत्यर्थी की ओर से /Respondent by
: Shri G.Suresh, JCIT
नवाई की तारीख/Date of Hearing
: 12.06.2024
घोषणा की तारीख /Date of Pronouncement
: 04.09.2024
आदेश / O R D E R
This appeal is filed against the ITA No.38/2017-18/A-3 dated
26.03.2019 of the Learned Commissioner of Income Tax [herein after
“CIT(A) for the assessment years 2015-16. Through the aforesaid appeal
the assesse has challenged the ITA No.38/2017-18/A-3 dated 26.03.2019
passed by CIT(A), Chennai.
2.0 Through the grounds of appeal the appellant is contesting order
of Ld. CIT(A) confirming addition of Rs.5.31 Crores u/s 68 made by the
Ld. AO in respect of share application money by treating the same as
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unexplained credits and of Rs.40,12,599/- on account of outstanding
current liabilities.
3.0 At the outset it is seen that during the course of appellate
proceedings, the Ld. Counsel for the assesse requested for submission of
additional evidences within the meanings of Rule-29 of ITAT rules qua
addition of Rs.5.31 Crores u/s 68 made by the Ld. AO in respect of share
application money by treating the same as unexplained credits. It was
submitted that the impugned additional evidences are necessary for
adjudication of the matter and that their non-production before the lower
authorities was purely unintentional. In support of its contentions, the Ld.
Counsel for the assesse relied upon decision of coordinate bench of
ITAT,Patna in the case of Abhay kumar Shroff vs ITO 63 ITD 144
postulating admission of additional evidences at the 2
appellate stage
before the tribunal for serving substantial cause.
4.0 We have heard the rival submissions in the light of material
placed on records. The Ld. DR would make us believe that the order of
the lower authorities is in consonance with the material on records and
therefore does not require any interference at this stage. It was alluded
that the act of presenting additional evidences now is a clear case of
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5.0 We have noted that the impugned addition of Rs.5.31 Crores u/s
68 made by the Ld. AO in respect of share application money by treating
the same as unexplained credits was done with the following findings:-
“......On a perusal of Sch.6 of Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2015, it is seen
that Assesse Company has received Share Application Money to the tune
of Rs.5,31,10,000/- during the year under consideration. From the Bank
Accounts and ledger accounts Submitted in this connection, it is seen that
share application money was received from various parties and given as
"Short term loans & advances" to the Director of M/s. RAI ISPAT PVT.
LTD. and related persons of RKKR group as tabulated below:
IDBI Bank Ltd.
S.No. Date Name of the Person Vch
Amount (in
1. 17.03.2015 Rablilash Sharma Receipt 11,65,000
2. 17.03.2015 Ramprasad Sharma Receipt 14,06,000
3. 17.03.2015 Mamta Sharma Receipt 12,11,000
4. 17.03.2015 Omprakash Receipt 3,25,000
5. 17.03.2015 Manju Sharma Receipt 7,35,000
6. 17.03.2015 Ramswroop Sharma Receipt 30,45,000
7. 17.03.2015 Bhanawarlal Sharma Receipt 23,48,000
8. 17.03.2015 R.Santosh Receipt 8,90,000
9. 17.03.2015 Hariram Chowdhary Receipt 7,05,000
10. 17.03.2015 Sahadev Ram Chaudhary Receipt 7,10,000
11. 17.03.2015 Omprakash Chaudhary Receipt 4,50,000
12. 17.03.2015 L.Hariram Chaudhary Receipt 7,75,000
13. 17.03.2015 Bidami Devi Receipt 5,35,000
14. 17.03.2015 Rameshwarlal Chaudhary Receipt 10,00,000
15. 17.03.2015 Sahadev Ram Chaudhary Receipt 8,35,000
16. 17.03.2015 Sahadev Ram Chaudhary Receipt 8,65,000
17. 17.03.2015 Ramswroop Sharma Receipt 5,00,000
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18. 25.03.2015 Ramswroop Sharma Receipt 75,00,000
19. 26.03.2015 Ramswroop Sharma Receipt 70,00,000
20. 27.03.2015 Omprakash Chaudhry H Receipt 5,00,000
21. 27.03.2015 Hariram Chowdhary HUF Receipt 2,50,000
22. 27.03.2015 Shadev Ram ChaudharyHUF Receipt 5,00,000
23. 27.03.2015 Sahadev Ram Chaudhary Receipt 57,50,000
24. 27.03.2015 Banwar Lal Sharma Receipt 1,50,00,000
S.No. Date Name of the Person Vch Type Amount (in
1. 16.03.2015 RKKR Steels Ltd Payment 47,956
2. 16.03.2015 Ritesh Rai Payment 6,51,374
3. 16.03.2015 Rajiv Rai Payment 8,73,780
4. 16.03.2015 Rajiv Rai Payment 6,51,374
5. 16.03.2015 Ram Krishan Kulwant Rai
Holding Pvt.Ltd
Payment 22,14,378
6. 16.03.2015 Ram Krishan Kulwant Rai
Holding Pvt.Ltd
Payment 1,25,00,000
7. 17.03.2015 Ritesh Rai Payment 5,82,520
8. 17.03.2015 Ritesh Rai Payment 2,91,260
9. 25.03.2015 Radha Industries Payment 70,00,000
10. 26.03.2015 Radha Industries Payment 70,00,000
11. 26.03.2015 Radha Industries Payment 70,00,000
12. 26.03.2015 Ram Krishan Kulwant Rai
Holding Pvt.Ltd
Payment 46,905
13. 27.03.2015 Radha Industries Payment 1,50,00,000
The assesse company, vide its letter dated 22.6.17 has also mentioned
that "share application money have not been allotted till date and the
company is taking steps to refund the money........
Thus, it is inferred that the parties are bogus parties and they are only
used as a tool to circulate the unaccounted money of the company,
Though it is seen frorn the bank statements produced by the parties that
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the receipt was from BELL TOWER ENTERPRISES LLP, in order to verify
the credentials of BELL TOWER LLP, financials and bank statements
were called for from that firm, u/s.133(6) of the I.T.Act vide this office letter
dated 24.8.17. ...................................
In view of the above findings, Share application money of
Rs.5,31,10,000/- needs to be treated as unexplained credit u/s. 68 of the
Income-tax Act. When this issue was brought to the notice of the assesse
vide this office letter dated 16.10.17, the A/R replied vide letter dated
13.11.7 as under:
"Mr, Sahadev Chaudhary & family are persons known to the assesse
company's group for the last 25 years. The assesse company is not aware
of the source where they got their funds from. The assesse company
states that the said party has knowledge of share trading as they are
businessmen and often sort to trading of various items including shares.
Accordingly, they on the request of the assesse company to raise capital
have invested in the shares of Rai Ispat and form part of the "friends and
family" category. We would submit that genuineness and creditworthiness
is beyond doubt as the persons have appeared before your goodself and
have testified their Investment In the shares of the assesse company. We
would also submit that they have remitted the share capital to the assesse
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company via banking channels and cannot be called "unexplained
credits". Confirmation of balances have also provided before your good
The contention of the A/R is considered carefully. It is mentioned by the
A/R that the parties like family friends and at the request of the company,
the parties have invested this huge amount in their company. This
contention of the assesses beyond any imagination. The quantum of
investment is Rs.5,31,10,000/-. These parties, who do have much source
of income as evident from their P & L account, would not have made any
investment in this company which is not at all doing well, that too, in this
company which is writing off of its investments and not giving any dividend
for the past many years, if the money received by them from M/s. BELL
TOWER ENTERPRISES LLP is their hard earned money. The parties
being family friends to the assesse company surely would not have done
this mistake at all knowing fully well that M/s. RAI ISPAT PVT. LTD. is a
loss making company. Hence, it is only the money of the assesse
company which is routed through these parties. On this ground, the claim
of the assesse is rejected and money received in the form the share
application money but no shares allotted is treated as unexplained credit
u/s.68 of the I.T. Act and brought to tax accordingly.
Addition: Rs. 5,31,10,000/-.....”
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6.0 It is clear from above that the Ld. AO had made the said addition
on account of non-availability of requisite details from the assesse. The
Ld. First appellate authority confirmed the addition made by the Ld. AO,
inter-alia, containing following observations:-
“......I have gone through the assessment order and remand report of the
Assessing Officer and written submissions made by the appellant. The
assessing officer in the remand report furnished has once again
reiterated that the said share applicants do not have source of income as
evident from their returns and the accompanied financials. The assessing
officer has further stated that the impugned transactions involving the
investment in the appellant company in the guise of share application
money to the tune of Rs is bogus. Before me, the appellant
through its authorized representatives failed to furnish any such evidence
so as to substantiate the credit worthiness of the persons from whom
monies received and the genuineness of the transaction.....”
7.0 From the position stated above, it is clear that the impugned
addition had direct nexus with the non-availability of supporting
evidences. Rule-29 of the ITAT rules empower admission of additional
evidences in cases where substantial cause exists. We are of the view
that in the case the addition made is for want of supporting evidences.
We are of the view that the Ld. AO must be provided an opportunity of
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examining the same before coming at any conclusion qua application of
section 68 of the Act. Accordingly, we set aside the order of the lower
authorities with the direction to the Ld. AO to readjudicate the issue of
share application money in the light of impugned evidences. The Ld. AO
would give all opportunities of being heard to the assesse and the
assesse shall be duty bound to comply with all the notices and details
solicited by the Ld. AO.
8.0 In the result, the grounds of appeal raised by the assesse qua
addition of Rs.5.31Crores in respect of share application money stands
allowed for statistical purposes.
9.0 The next issue is regarding the addition of Rs.40,12,599/- on
account of outstanding current liabilities. On perusal of the Page-5 of
order of the Ld. AO, it is seen that the Ld. AO has noted that above
liabilities are outstanding for a long period since FY 12-13. The Ld. AO
recorded that the books of said parties do not reflect any corresponding
entries and that they have confirmed only advancing of loan to the
assesse. The Ld. AO noted that “...the outstanding balance which is not
confirmed by the parties and which is outstanding for a long duration is
brought to tax as income of the assesse...”.
10.0 We have considered the rival’s arguments in the light of material
on records. At the outset, it is noted that the Ld. AO has made the
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impugned addition without making any reference to any section of the act
in which the same is made. Then again the Ld. AO has unequivocally
demonstrated and admitted that the impugned addition of Rs.40,12,599/-
is a brought forwarded balance from FY-2012-13. The order of the Ld. AO
also indicates that he has made enquiries only with two of the three
parties who had apparently stated that they have invested only in share
application money of the impugned company. The Ld. AO further
recorded that in respect of two parties their books did not indicate any
amount. Further, out of three, the Ld. AO could enquire only in respect of
two parties. Further, according to Ld. AO, the assesse had submitted that
said parties have given loan to the assesse. The quantum and character
of enquires done by the Ld. AO is also not explicitly clear in the order.
On the impugned matter the order of the Ld. AO falls in the category of
non-speaking cryptic order.
11.0 Accordingly, we deem it fit to set aside the addition made by the
Ld. AO and the order of the Ld. CIT(A) on this account. Accordingly, we
set aside the order of the lower authorities with the direction to the Ld. AO
to re-adjudicate the issue of outstanding current liabilities. The Ld. AO
would give all opportunities of being heard to the assesse and the
assesse shall be duty bound to comply with all the notices and details
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solicited by the Ld. AO. The ground of appeal raised by the assesse
qua this addition is allowed for statistical purposes.
12.0 In the result, the appeal raised by the assesse is allowed for
statistical purposes.
Order pronounced on 4
, September-2024 at Chennai.
( एबी टी. वकी)
न्याययक सदस्य / Judicial Member
(अमिताभ श
लेखा सदस्य /Accountant Member
चेन्नई/Chennai, ददनांक/Dated: 4
, September-2024.
आदेश की प्रयतललपप अग्रेपषत/Copy to:
1. अपीलार्थी/Appellant
2. प्रत्यर्थी/Respondent
3. आयकर आय
क्त/CIT – Chennai
4. पवभागीय प्रयतयनधि/DR
5. गार्ड फाईल/GF