आयकर अपीलीय अिधकरण,च᭛डीगढ़ ᭠यायपीठ “ए” , च᭛डीगढ़
᮰ी आकाश दीप जैन, उपा᭟यᭃ एवं ᮰ी िवᮓम ᳲसह यादव, लेखा सद᭭य
आयकर अपील सं./ ITA NO. 468/Chd/2023
िनधाᭅरण वषᭅ / Assessment Year : 2018-19
The Tal Co-operative Agriculture
Service Society Ltd.
VPO Tal, Tehsil Hamirpur
Dist: Hamirpur-177001
Ward, Hamirpur
᭭थायी लेखा सं./PAN NO: AABAT1582A
िनधाᭅᳯरती कᳱ ओर से/Assessee by : Shri Ajay Patiyal, Advocate
राज᭭व कᳱ ओर से/ Revenue by : Shri Dharamvir, JCIT, Sr. DR
सुनवाई कᳱ तारीख/Date of Hearing : 05/03/2024
उदघोषणा कᳱ तारीख/Date of Pronouncement : 11/03/2024
This is assessee’s appeal against the order of the ld. CIT(A), National Faceless
Appeal Centre (NFAC), Delhi, dated 22/05/2023, for the Assessment Year 2018-19,
taking the following grounds of appeal:-
(i)The order/intimation under section 143(1) (a) & 154 passed by the Assessing Authority
and that of the Appellate Authority confirming the same are illegal, unjust, arbitrary and
opposed to the facts of the case and need to be quashed and addition to be deleted in
toto and the tax and interest be reduced to nil.
(ii) the Authorities below, while considering the claim of deduction under section 80-P
amounting to Rs. 3,50,177/-without complying with provisions of proviol & 2 to section
143(l](a), i.e. opportunity of hearing and without considering objections of the assessee
that there is no provision in this section to make this type of adjustment and without
following the principles of nature justice to give opportunity of hearing. In spite of there
being none disallowed the same wrongly giving priority to the provisions of section 80AC of
the Income Tax Act introduced with effect from 01-04-2018.
(iii) The provisions of section 80AC are violative of constitution because of the same have
denied the benefits of law of land and that too at a disproportionately high cost
compared to other categories of assessee when a very reasonable cost is fixed which is
with the object of advisory in nature.
(IV] It is a matter of fact that sub-clause (v) of Section 143(1) (a) was amended by the
Finance Act, 2021 wherein instead of reference to Sections 10AA, 80-IA, 80-IAB, 80-IB, 80-IC,
80-ID or Section 80-IE, the provision instead makes a mention of Section 10AA or under any
of the provisions of Chapter Vl-A under the head'C Deductions in respect of certain
Accordingly, the enabling provisions to address the amendment in Section 80-A C b y
Finance Act, 2018 came into play only in 2021-22 assessment year.
(v) The slight delay in completing the audit by a Govt. Of Department and the assessee
which is of human nature, without any deliberate, malafide, because of reasonable and
sufficient cause, these need to be reasonably, sympathetically and favourably
2. The Assessee filed its return of income declaring total income at NIL after
claiming deduction u/s 80P of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (in short, ‘the I.T. Act’ )
amounting to Rs. 3,50,177/-. The return was processed by the CPC, Bangalore u/s 143(1)
of the I.T. Act, denying the deduction claimed u/s 80P. The Assessee filed rectification
application before the AO, stating that the deduction claimed had wrongly been
denied by the CPC. The AO, rejecting the application, observed that the return of
income had been filed late; that the due date u/s 139 (1) of the Act was 31.08.2018,
whereas the return had been filed on 13.03.2019; and that according to section 80AC,
after 01.04.2018, and no deduction under Chapter VIA heading ‘C’ would be allowed
unless the return was filed before the due date u/s 139(1) of the I.T. Act.
3. In its appeal before the Ld. CIT(A), the Assessee contended that the Audit Report
under the Act had taken time to complete, which was the reason for the delay in filing
the return, which delay was beyond the Assessee; that the Audit Report was dated
11.02.2019, and it was only after filing thereof, that the return was filed on 13.03.2019;
that the amendment under section 80C is advisory and not mandatory; that no
opportunity of hearing had been given to the Assessee; and that such an adjustment
could not be made u/s 143(1) of the Act. Reliance was placed on, inter alia, ‘M/s
Chirakkal Service Cooperative Bank Ltd.’, 384 ITR 190 (Kerala), holding that even if the
return was filed late, the deduction u/s 80P of the Act should be allowed, as long as the
return is filed within the time allowed u/s 139(4) of the Act.
4. By virtue of the impugned order, the ld. CIT(A) dismissed the appeal. It was
observed that the provisions of section 80AC are applicable from assessment year 2018-
19 onwards; that as per these amended provisions, no deduction under Chapter VIA,
Part C can be allowed, unless the return is filed within the time allowed u/s 139(1) of the
Act; that the amendment covers deduction u/s 80P as well; that since the provision uses
the expression ‘shall’, there is no scope to consider reasonable cause, etc.; that in this
case, the Audit Report had been obtained after the date prescribed under section
139(1) and, as such, it is not a case where the Audit Report was uploaded within time
but the return was filed late; that the return having been filed late, in accordance with
the provisions of section 143(1) (a) (ii), the provisions of section 80AC would limit and
disallow the deduction u/s 80P; and that the decisions relied upon pertain to the pre-
amended provisions of section 80AC and, therefore, they are not applicable.
5. Before us, besides reiterating the stand taken by the Assessee before the ld.
CIT(A), the ld. counsel for the assessee has placed reliance on the various decisions of
the ITAT, Chandigarh Benches, rendered on 30.08.2022 in case of ‘The Lanjani Co-
operative Agri Service Society Ltd., VPO Lanjani, Kangra (HP) vs. The DCIT (CPC)
Bangaluru’, ITA No. 332/Chd/2021, for assessment year 2018-19, the Balol Co-op
Agriculture Service Society Ltd. Vs. The CIT(CPC) Bangaluru in ITA No. 79/Chd/2022, dt.
15/12/2022, The Karohta Co-op Agriculture Service Society Ltd. Vs. ITO, Ward Hamirpur
in ITA No. 447/Chd/2022 dt. 24/03/2023, The Mundkhar Co-op. Agriculture Service
Society Ltd. Vs. The ITO, Ward Hamirpur in ITA No. 513/Chd/2022 dt. 05/04/2023, The
Ambaradi Seva Shakari Mandi Ltd.. and Notification of Govt. Of India, Ministry of
Finance, Department of Revenue, Central Board of Direct Taxes regarding
Condonation of delay under clause(b) sub section (2) of section 119 of Income Tax Act,
6. On the other hand, the ld. DR has placed strong reliance on the impugned
7. We have heard the rival contentions and have perused the material on record. It
is not in question that section 80AC of the I.T. Act, as amended by Finance Act, 2018,
stipulated that for claiming deduction u/s 80P of the Act, the return of income was
required to be filed before the due date, as prescribed by section 139(1) and in the
present case, the return was filed belatedly. However, it was only by the amendment to
section 143(1) (a)(v) brought in by Finance Act, 2021, that the CPC can be said have
been vested, exercising powers u/s 143(1)(a), to make disallowance on the ground of
belated return. Prior to that, as per the un-amended provisions, the AO could disallow a
claim u/s 143(1) (a) only on the grounds of arithmetical error or that the Assessee had
made an incorrect claim, etc. Reference, in this regard, may be had to ‘Fatehraj
Singhvi & Ors. v. UOI and Ors’; 289 ITR 602 (Kar.). It goes without saying that in the
absence of enabling powers, no disallowance can be made. As such, enabling
provisions being absent, the CPC did not have the jurisdiction to make the
disallowance in question, in the order u/s 143 (1) of the Act. For this, we find support
from ‘The Lanjani Co-operative Agri Service Society Ltd., VPO Lanjani, Kangra (HP) v.
The DCIT (CPC) Bangaluru’ (supra) and various other decisions of the Coordinate
Benches cited supra.
8. For the above discussion, finding merit in the grievance raised by the Assessee,
the same is accepted. The order under appeal is accordingly reversed. Consequently,
the disallowance of Rs. 3,50,177/- is cancelled.
9. In the result, the appeal is allowed.
Order pronounced in the open Court on 11/03/2024.
Sd/- Sd/-
आकाश दीप जैन िवŢम िसंह यादव
Date: 11/03/2024
आदेश कᳱ ᮧितिलिप अᮕेिषत/ Copy of the order forwarded to :
1. अपीलाथᱮ/ The Appellant
2. ᮧ᭜यथᱮ/ The Respondent
3. आयकर आयुᲦ/ CIT
4. िवभागीय ᮧितिनिध, आयकर अपीलीय आिधकरण, च᭛डीगढ़/ DR, ITAT, CHANDIGARH
5. गाडᭅ फाईल/ Guard File
आदेशानुसार/ By order,
सहायक पंजीकार/ Assistant Registrar