आयकर अपीलीय अिधकरण,‘बी’ ᭠यायपीठ,चे᳖ई
᮰ी एबी टी वक᳹, ᭠याियक सद᭭य एवं ᮰ी एस. आर.रघुनाथा, लेखा सद᭭य के समᭃ
आयकरअपीलसं./ITA No.: 593/Chny/2024
िनधाᭅरणवषᭅ / Assessment Year: 2017-18
Assistant Commissioner of
Income Tax,
Circle -1,
Muthu Gold House,
222, Jawaharlal Nehru Street,
Puducherry – 605 001.
[PAN: AAAFM-8022-M]
(अपीलाथᱮ/Appellant) (ᮧ᭜यथᱮ/Respondent)
अपीलाथᱮकᳱओरसे/Appellant by : Shri. N. Arjunraj, Advocate
ᮧ᭜यथᱮकᳱओरसे/Respondent by : Shri. R. Vikneswaran, JCIT
सुनवाई कᳱ तारीख/Date of Hearing : 05.06.2024
घोषणा कᳱ तारीख/Date of Pronouncement : 04.09.2024
आदेश /O R D E R
This appeal instituted by the revenue is against the order
of the Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals), National
Faceless Appeal Centre (NFAC), Delhi, for the assessment year
2017-18, vide order dated 16.01.2024.
2. The sole ground before us is, the ld.CIT(A) has erred in
deleting the addition of Rs.4,68,78,024/- u/s. 68 of the Income-
tax Act, 1961 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) by the AO in
the assessment order. For this, assessee has raised various
:-2-: ITA. No:593/Chny/2024
grounds which are exhaustive, argumentative and hence, need
not be reproduced.
3. The brief facts are that, the assessee is a partnership
firm engaged in the business of manufacture and sale of gold
jewellery, silver articles, diamond studded jewellery, gift articles
and other allied products. The assessee filed its return of
income for the assessment year 2017-18 on 31.10.2017,
admitting an income of Rs.93,80,450/-. The case was selected
for scrutiny under CASS. Accordingly, notices u/s. 143(2) and
142(1) of the Act was issued to the assessee calling for details
of cash deposits during demonetization period. In response to
notices, the assessee submitted bill wise details of sales, to
prove the source of cash deposited. However, the ld.AO was
not satisfied with the details furnished by the assessee and held
that there was no customer details available for the sales
amounting to Rs.4,68,78,024/- out of the total sales of
Rs.5,14,45,463/- from 01.11.2016 to 08.11.2016 and treated
the same as unexplained cash credit in the books of account
u/s. 68 of the Act. As the sale to the tune of Rs.4,68,78,024/-
out of total sales of the assessee for the year of
Rs.116,17,12,741/- is treated as unexplained cash credit, the
:-3-: ITA. No:593/Chny/2024
assessee is eligible for reduction in gross profit declared on such
amount and reworked the excess gross profit and the same has
been reduced by Rs.32,62,728/- (Rs.8,09,06,276/- minus
Rs.7,76,43,548/-). Accordingly, the value of closing stock was
enhanced and completed the assessment u/s. 143(3) of the Act
by passing an order dated 28.12.2019.
4. Aggrieved by the impugned order of the AO, the
assessee preferred an appeal before the ld.CIT(A). During the
appellate proceedings the assessee filed detailed written
submissions along with paper book and relied on various case
laws in support of its submissions and pleaded to delete the
addition made by the AO. The ld.CIT(A), after considering the
submissions made by the assessee and case laws relied upon by
the assessee, held that the order of the Assessing Officer are
not supported by any reliable evidence. Unique circumstance of
announcement of demonetization of higher denominated notes
on 8
November, 2016, consequent to huge cash sales and
deposit of that cash is satisfactorily explained by the assessee
and hence, the addition made by the Assessing Officer is
deleted. With regard to the amount of Rs.32,62,728/- reduced
from income on account of reduction in profit on bogus sales,
:-4-: ITA. No:593/Chny/2024
the ld.CIT(A) held that it is not required to be reduced as entire
sales are considered as genuine and partly allowed the appeal
of the assessee.
“8.3 It is observed that the appellant maintained the proper
books of account in regular course of business which was duly
audited by the independent Chartered Accountant under section
44AB of the Act. All the sales, purchases and stocks are recorded
in the books of account which has not been doubted by the AO.
The sales shown by the appellant had been accepted by Sales
Tax/NAT Department. The Assessing Officer has not disputed the
books of accounts not pointed out any discrepancy in the sales
register, stock at any time of the year, including the on the
opening day of 8
November 2016 or in the cash books where
from the cash was deposited in the bank account. To hold that
the sales were not made on 08/11/2016, one has to prove that
the assessee did not have sufficient stocks on that day.
Alternatively, one has to point out defects in the stock
registers/stocks maintained based on other information, if any. I
am of the opinion that if there are no defects in the purchases
and sales and the same are matching with inflow and the outflow
of Stock, there is no reason to disbelieve the sales. The cash sales
made by the assessee had been credited in the books of account
and reduction in the stock has not been doubted by the AO. If the
reduction of stock position is matching with the sales, it proves
that the cash received/deposited represents the sales, The AO
has not rejected the books of accounts.
8.4 It is an accepted fact that no businessmen can refuse to make
sales to any customer when stock is available and if it is within
the four corners of law, especially when price of the gold was high
and there is demand for gold at that time of the day. There is also
no rule that sales cannot be made late in the evening or in the
night. If minimum details of the customers are taken on sale bills
as required under a VAT Act that sales cannot be doubted,
particularly in the rush of the hour. If the AO alleges that the
appellant has brought the unaccounted money generated in to
the books on that day, then the onus is on the AO to bring on
record evidence to demonstrate that such purchases and sales
were made by the appellant out of books or that the appellant
had other source of income which is not disclosed. In the absence
of any evidence, blind allegation cannot be accepted under the
:-5-: ITA. No:593/Chny/2024
8.5 After careful examination of the facts of the case, arguments
of the Assessing Officer particularly the allegation that the
appellant brought its unaccounted income into the books as cash
sales and the counter submissions of the appellant replying to
each and every point raised by the AO, I find that the arguments
of the appellant are more convincing and supported by evidence
in the form of books of accounts which are neither disputed nor
rejected. The AO has not pointed out single defect in the books of
account and also not rejected the books of accounts.
8.6 Human probability test cannot be applied on this case,
because it was the known fact that there was huge rush in
jewellery shops and hence, huge cash sales of the appellant made
on 08.11.2016 cannot be doubted comparing with the normal day
sales. Further, the appellant has also brought on record increased
sales on some days like Navratri, Diwali and Akshaya Tritiya,
same way increased sales could happen on demonetization as it
was unique situation and there was a demand. There was no
whisper in the entire impugned Assessment Order pointing out
any such discrepancy in stock and cash book. The appellant's
books show sales with the bills and outgo of stocks. The sales
were duly accounted for in the books of accounts and there were
no abnormal profits. The contention of the appellant that due to
demonetization, the public became panic and made the
investment in jewelry thereby thronged the jewelry shops appear
to be acceptable in view of the news items and news paper
8.7. Appellant relied on number of case laws in support its
submissions, which are not discussed here for brevity. Appellant
has also relied on orders of CiIT(A) in case of ANS Jewelry ,DIN
and order no ITBA/NFAC/S/250/2022-23/1 049241212(1) dated
30.01.2023 and AVR Kumbakonam Silver Shop Jewellers DIN and
order no ITBA/NFAC/S/250/2022-23/1048629214(1) dated
11.01.2023. In the case of ACIT Central Circle - Visakhapatnam
vs. HeeraPanna Jewelers decided by Hon'ble ITAT, Visakhapatnam
Bench it is held.
“....... that assessee had explained source of said amount in
question as sales, produced sale bills and admitted same as
revenue receipt as well as offered it to-There was no defect
in purchases and sales and same were matching within flow
and out flow of stock-Audit report under section 44AB and
financial statements clearly showed reduction of stock
position matching with sales which clearly showed that cash
generated represented sales-Assessee officer accepted sales
:-6-: ITA. No:593/Chny/2024
and stocks - He had not disturbed closing stock which had
direct nexus with sales - Both Assessing Officer and
DDIT(Inv.) did not find any defects in books of account,
trading account, P&L account and financial statements of
assessee- Whether, on facts, impugned addition made under
section 68 was to be deleted-Held, yes ".
The AO concluded that the assessee deposited cash in the
bank accounts during the period of Demonetization, but the
sources were neither explained nor such money offered for
taxation. This finding of the AO is incorrect in view of the
fact that the appellant has explained the source of cash
deposited in the bank account is out of the receipts from the
cash sales. In support of the same the appellant produced
sale bills and books of accounts containing stock register,
sales register and cashbook. Further, the sales have been
part of sale for the year and stand offered to tax as against
the observation of the AO. Reliance is placed on the decision
of Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of CIT Vs Devi Prasad
Vishwnath Prasad (1969) 72 ITR 194 (SC) where in it is held
that "It is for the assessee to prove that even if the cash
credit represents income, it is income from a source, which
has already been taxed". The assessee has already offered
the sales for taxation hence the onus has been discharged
by it and the same income cannot be taxed again.
8.8 In view of the above discussion, I am of the considered
opinion that the arguments of the AO are not supported by any
reliable evidence. Unique circumstance of announcement of
demonetization of higher denominated notes on 8th November,
2016, consequent huge cash sales made by the appellant on 8
November 2016 and deposit of that cash in bank is satisfactorily
explained by the appellant and there is no abnormality in the
same. Therefore, the addition made is hereby deleted. The
appellant gets the relief. The grounds of appeal 2 to 6 are
allowed. The amount of Rs.32,62,728/- reduced from income on
account of reduction in profit on bogus sales is not required to be
reduced as entire sales are considered genuine.”
Aggrieved by the order of the ld.CIT(A), the revenue is in
appeal before us.
:-7-: ITA. No:593/Chny/2024
5. The ld.DR argued that the ld.CIT(A) erred in deleting the
addition made u/s. 68 of the Act, even though the assessee has
declared the huge sales of Rs.5,14,45,463/- on 08.11.2016
which is impracticable and still considered the said sales as
genuine. The ld.DR further contended that the ld.CIT(A) has
erred in arriving the conclusion of considering the impugned
additions as genuine though the assessee has not furnished
comparables of gross sales, cash sales and cash deposits of a
particular day with corresponding previous year statistics.
Therefore, prayed for setting aside the order of the ld.CIT(A) by
upholding the addition made by the AO.
6. Per contra, the ld.Counsel for the assessee, on the other
hand relied on the actions of the ld. CIT(A), and argued that
after considering and satisfied with the submissions of relevant
documents and details to prove the genuineness of the source
of cash in the form of sales made on 08/11/2016, the
Ld.CIT(A) has rightly deleted the addition of cash deposits of
Rs.4,68,78,024/- u/s. 68 of the Act.
7. In this regard, the Ld.AR further submitted that the said
cash deposits were admittedly made with the opening balance
:-8-: ITA. No:593/Chny/2024
of cash available as on 08/11/2016 and further submits that
the cash in hand is supported by cash sales declared prior to
the date of demonetization.
8. The Ld. AR submitted that the Ld.CIT(A), after
considering relevant facts has rightly deleted the additions
made by the AO towards cash deposits U/s.69A r.w.s. 115BBE
of the Act. In support of the CIT(A) order the ld.AR relied on
the following decisions of the Chennai Tribunal and prayed for
upholding the order of the CIT(A) by dismissing the appeal of
the Revenue.
Date Particulars
ITO, Coimbatore v Sahana Jewellery Exports Private
Chennai ITAT - ITA No.
DCIT v M/s DAR Paradise Pvt Ltd- Chennai ITAT-
3 03.04.2024
DCIT v ANS Jewellery- Chennai ITAT - ITA No.
4 05.04.2024
ITO v Surabi Gold - Chenai ITAT - ITA No.
5 05.04.2024
DCIT v Navaratna Maaligai - Chennai ITAT- ITA No.
JCIT v Tara Jewellery - Chennai ITAT- ITA No.
7 10.04.2024
DCIT v D Gem Mount- Chennai ITAT - ITA No.
8 25.04.2024
Smt. Durga Devi Mundhra vs Ito – ITA No.
9. We have heard both the parties, perused materials
available on record and gone through orders of the authorities
below. The fact with regard to the impugned dispute are that
the assessee has unexplained cash credit of Rs.4,68,78,024/-.
It is admitted from the records that the assessee is engaged in
:-9-: ITA. No:593/Chny/2024
trading business of gold bullion and jewellery. The case was
selected for scrutiny to verify the sales and called for certain
details. The assessee sales of Rs.5,14,45,463/- was made on
08.11.2016, on the day of announcement of demonetization of
Rs.500/- and Rs.1,000/- denominations by Government of
India. The assessee deposited cash out of sale proceeds of
gold jewellery collected from its customers which was less than
Rs.2 lakhs per person and there was no requirement on the
part of the assessee to obtain details like name, address and
PAN of the buyers. In response to notice u/s. 142(1) of the
Act, the assessee had furnished bill wise details of sales for the
relevant period.
10. On perusal of the records and facts and circumstances of
the case, we are of the considered opinion that when the sales
has been reflected in the books of accounts and offered to tax,
adding the same again would amount to double taxation,
which is impermissible in law. The cash sales made by the
assessee have been credited in the books of accounts and the
same form part of the assessee’s cash book. On these facts, it
could be very well said that the assessee’s claim was backed
up by relevant evidences. Thus, the assessee has discharged
:-10-: ITA. No:593/Chny/2024
the burden of proving the source of the cash/SBN deposited in
the bank and the Assessing Officer failed to rebut the same.
The allegations/statistics relied upon by Assessing Officer to
take an adverse view is not backed up by relevant
evidence/material and therefore the action of AO could not be
countenanced and hence, the ld.CIT(A) has rightly deleted.
Moreover, since cash generated out of sales has been credited
in the books of accounts, the provisions of section 69A could
not be invoked in the present case. The assessee’s reliance on
the coordinate bench decision in the case of Smt. Durga Devi
Mundhra vs. ITO in ITA No.1228/Chny/2023, dated
25.04.2024 is applicable to the present case on hand, wherein
the Tribunal held as under:
“6. We are of the considered opinion that when the sale has
been reflected in the books of accounts and offered to tax,
adding the same again would amount to double taxation which
is impermissible in law. The cash sales proceeds have been
credited in the books of accounts and the same form part of
assessee's cash book. On these facts, it could very well be said
that the assessee's claim was backed up by sufficient
documentary evidences. The allegation of Ld. AO is that such
abnormal sales could not be achieved by the assessee
immediately upon announcement of demonetization by the
Government. However, such allegations are bereft of any
concrete evidence on record. It is trite law that no addition
could be made merely on the basis of suspicion, conjectures
and surmises. In the present case, the assessee has duly
discharged the burden of establishing the source of cash
deposit and the onus was on Ld. AO to disprove the same.
However, except for mere allegation and few statistics, there is
nothing on record to support the conclusions drawn by Ld. AO
:-11-: ITA. No:593/Chny/2024
that the cash deposited by the assessee was her unaccounted
money. There is no finding by Ld. AO that any particular sales
affected by the assessee exceeded threshold limit which cast
an additional obligation on the assessee to obtain requisite
particulars from the customers. Since cash generated out of
sales has been credited in the books of accounts, the
provisions of Sec.69A could not be invoked in the present case.
Therefore, on the given facts, the impugned additions are not
sustainable. By deleting the same, we allow corresponding
grounds raised by the assessee.”
11. Therefore, on the given facts and respectfully following
the decisions of the Tribunal (supra), the grounds raised by
the revenue are not sustainable in the eyes of law and hence,
the action of the ld.CIT(A) is confirmed by dismissing the
appeal for the revenue.
12. In the result, appeal filed by the revenue is dismissed.
Order pronounced in the open court on 04
September, 2024 at Chennai.
(एबी टी वकŎ)
Ɋाियकसद˟/Judicial Member
लेखासद˟/Accountant Member
ᳰदनांक/Dated, the 04
September, 2024
आदेश की Ůितिलिप अŤेिषत/Copy to:
1. अपीलाथŎ/Appellant
2. ŮȑथŎ/Respondent
3.आयकर आयुƅ/CIT – Chennai
4. िवभागीय Ůितिनिध/DR
5. गाडŊ फाईल/GF