आयकर अपील
य अधकरण,चडीगढ़ यायपीठ, चडीगढ़
आयकर अपील सं./ITA Nos. 67,68,69,70,71/CHD/2024
नधारण वष / A.Ys : 2009-10,2012-13, 2013-14,
2014-15 & 2018-19
The C.D. Co-operative Credit Society Ltd.,
VPO Gohar, AT Dari, P.O. Chail Chowk,
Tehsil – Chachiot, Distt. Mandi (HP).
Vs The DCIT,
Circle - Mandi,
Mandi (HP).
थायी लेखा सं./PAN NO: AAABT2301D
नधारती क ओर से/Assessee by: Shri B.M.Monga, Advocate and
Shri Rohit Kaura, Advocate
राजव क ओर से/ Revenue by : Shri Vivek Vardhan, JCIT, Sr.DR
नवाई क तार"ख/Date of Hearing : 27.08.2024
उदघोषणा क तार"ख/Date of Pronouncement : 03.09.2024
The above mentioned appeals have been preferred
by the assessee against the separate orders dated
29.11.2023 ( in ITA 71/CHD/2024 dated 30.11.2023) passed
by the ld. Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) NFAC, Delhi
pertaining to assessment year 2009-10, 2012-13, 2013-14,
2014-15 and 2018-19 respectively.
ITA Nos. 67 to 71/CHD/2024
2. As the facts and issues in all these appeal are common,
therefore, these were heard together and are being disposed
of by a common order. The facts are taken from ITA No.
67/CHD/2024. The following grounds have been taken :
1. That the order of Ld. CIT(A) is against the law and facts of the case.
2. That the Learned CIT(A), has erred in passing the order in gross violation
of principles of Natural Justice by denying the opportunity of hearing
through video conferencing despite repeated requests of the appellant and
thus the order is against the well settled law, against the mandatory
statutory provisions & of National Faceless Appeal Scheme.
3. That the Learned CTT(A), has grossly erred in passing the order without
following the binding directions of this Hon'ble Court and thus passing the
order beyond its jurisdiction and without considering the charts, documents,
evidences and submissions of the assessee and thus, passed the order in
totally non reasoned and non-speaking manner.
4. That the Ld. CIT(A) is not justified in upholding the disallowance of the
interest earned from nationalized banks by holding that 80P(2)(a)(l) is not
applicable on the interest earned from nationalized banks, without
considering the evidences and submissions of appellant by simply relying on
the judgment, of Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of Totgars, Cooperative
Sales society limited, 322 ITR 283 (SC) which judgment is not applicable to
the case of the appellant.
5. That the learned CTT(A) is not justified in upholding the disallowance of the
interest earned from nationalized banks by holding it to be as 'income from
other sources' instead of 'business income' eligible for deduction u/s
80P(2)(a)(i), ignoring the vital fact that income generated from interest is
directly attributable and necessarily interlinked to the business of assessee
society and fall under the head income from business or profession, as per
well settled law.
6. That the Learned CIT(A), has erred in upholding the illegal order passed by
the Ld. AO, wherein the Ld. AO has mentioned that no documentary
evidence were provided in support of its claim that deposits made in the
nationalized banks are indeed were in the course of carrying out the activity
of providing credit facility to its member by totally ignoring the evidences,
documents already on record and vital fact that the only business of the
assessee was to receive funds from its members and then to advance them as
loans etc.”
3. The ld. Counsel for the assessee has invited our
attention to the impugned order of the ld.CIT(A) to submit
ITA Nos. 67 to 71/CHD/2024
that the ld.CIT(A) has passed the order in violation of
principles of natural justice by denying the requests of the
assessee for affording opportunity of hearing through Video
Conferencing; that the ld. CIT(A) has erred in passing the
impugned order without considering the charts, documents,
evidences and submissions of the assessee; that the ld.
CIT(A) has wrongly upheld the order passed by the Assessing
4. The ld. DR relied upon the impugned order.
5. We have heard the rival contentions and perused the
material available on record. After considering the facts and
circumstances of the case, we find force in the contention of
the ld. Counsel for the assessee that the assessee was not
afforded opportunity of hearing through Video Conferencing
despite repeated requests, thereby denying due and adequate
opportunity of hearing to the assessee. The ld. Counsel for
the assessee has filed copy of the Notification dated
28.12.2021 of Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021. The relevant
part of the Notification is as under :
“1 2 ( 4 ) Such hearing shall be conducted through video conferencing or video
telephony, including use of any telecommunication application software which
supports video conferencing or video telephony, to the extent technologically
feasible, in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Board.”
ITA Nos. 67 to 71/CHD/2024
6. Considering the facts and circumstances of the case
and in the interest of justice, the file is restored to the file
of ld. CIT(Appeals) to decide the matter afresh in accordance
with law after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard
to the assessee and also after considering all the evidences
and documents on record. The assessee, no doubt, shall
cooperate in the fresh proceedings before the CIT(Appeals).
7. The appeal of the assessee is treated as allowed for
statistical purposes.
8. As the facts, circumstances and issues in all the
appeals are exactly similar, therefore, our decision in ITA
No.67/CHD/2024 would apply, mutatis-mutandis, to the
assessee's appeals in ITA No. 68, 69,70 and 71/CHD/2024
also. Accordingly, all appeals of the assessee are treated as
allowed for statistical purposes.
8. In the result, all the appeals of the assessee are treated
as allowed for statistical purposes.
Order pronounced on 03.09.2024.
Sd/- Sd/-
ITA Nos. 67 to 71/CHD/2024
क त(ल)प अ*े)षत/ Copy of the order forwarded to :
1. अपीलाथ/ The Appellant
यथ/ The Respondent
3. आयकरआय
+त/ CIT
4. )वभागीय तन.ध, आयकर अपील"य आ.धकरण, च0डीगढ़/ DR, ITAT, CHANDIGARH
5. गाडफाईल/ Guard File
सार/ By order,
सहायक पंजीकार/ Assistant Registrar